TELOS 2 is the best bet to invest in other coins

We keep only the Gold node offering with fixed payout frequency and reward (also when these parameters changes in network)

From now on you can get any Masternode for 90% of the original Collateral required. In case you cancel your order at a later point, you get your money back. We take 10% of any Reward your node creates. As soon the node is setup, you get a hash you can track on any 3rd party Masternode statistic page supporting the coin.

TELOS 1K Node costs only 900TELOS +VAT
TELOS 3K Node costs only 2700TELOS +VAT
TELOS 10K Node costs only 9000TELOS +VAT
TELOS 30K Node costs only 27000TELOS +VAT
TELOS 100K Node costs only 90000TELOS +VAT

These kind of nodes don't qualify for the Cross-Promo with (you won't get the collateral extra for a bluebox.)
The double my collateral Bonus is still available for the Gold offering.

You can get also BIR nodes at 90% cost , or PIVX or Dash . More coins can be listed if coin developers apply for a listing. The listing fee is 3000€ if paid with FIAT or the equivalent of the coin going to be listed.(yes we accept your coins) If paid with Telos it is only 1500€. (Incl. VAT). The listing on peertoro is at the same time resulting in an a listing for bluebox owners. Listed coins get also one month banner rotation at and for free. A cross promo with will follow. „Operation PacMan - we gonna eat you all“ has begun